403 BARATARIA BLVD. | MARRERO, LA Commercial Nov 5 Written By sayFINN 2,596 sqft. Stand-Alone Building25,518 sqft. Land AreaLocated on the corner of Barataria Blvd. and 4th Street, this property offers a large fenced storage yard and parking area with an exterior covered area. The Zoning is C-2 Commercial. sayFINN https://sayfinn.com
403 BARATARIA BLVD. | MARRERO, LA Commercial Nov 5 Written By sayFINN 2,596 sqft. Stand-Alone Building25,518 sqft. Land AreaLocated on the corner of Barataria Blvd. and 4th Street, this property offers a large fenced storage yard and parking area with an exterior covered area. The Zoning is C-2 Commercial. sayFINN https://sayfinn.com